Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio’s East Side garden helps youth blossom

Nonprofit addresses food insecurity, importance of healthy lifestyles

SAN ANTONIO – The Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio revealed a garden at its East Side club house that provides kids an opportunity to learn and gain new skills.

A group of teens who go by the Grow Girls have been learning how to grow their own fruits and vegetables.

“I’ve learned that sometimes you have to take life at slow pace, and you have to be patient,” said Kandis Davis, who attends Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio.

Through this project, not only has the 14-year old learned about gardening, but she has created a strong bond with the other kids at the Club.

The nonprofit received a $60,000 grant from Humana to continue their healthy habits curriculum and create the garden.

The nonprofit’s CEO, Ada Saenz, said the project addresses food insecurity and teaches kids how to live a healthy life.

“A lot of the kids that we serve, they do experience food insecurity in their home,” Saenz said.

Saenz said the garden is also good for the kids’ mental health.

“A garden allows kids to get off social media, allows them to get off the TV, off the video games. Come outside, get some Vitamin D, some fresh air, some sunlight and do something meaningful that they can actually see progress as its taking place and gets them out to just be kids and to have fun, and to see what they can accomplish together,” Saenz said.

Over the next few months, the Grow Girls will be teaching other kids about gardening.

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About the Authors

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

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