Couple arrested in connection with child sex abuse

Christopher Thomley, Ashley Thomley arrested by Bexar County Sheriff’s Office

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office arrested a couple in connection with a child sex abuse case. Christopher Thomley, 39, was arrested on a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child. His wife, Ashley Thomley, 32, was arrested on a charge of endangering a child. (Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved.) (KSAT)

SAN ANTONIO – The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office arrested a couple Wednesday in connection with a child sex abuse case.

Christopher Thomley, 39, was arrested on a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child.

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His wife, Ashley Thomley, 32, was arrested on a charge of endangering a child.

Sheriff Javier Salazar said the couple abused a female relative for years.

Salazar said the couple was caught on surveillance video preparing a milk shake that contained a very strong cough suppression in an effort to “knock her out to sexually abuse her.”

The victim told investigators about the abuse after she was spotted running across Interstate 35 near the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Schertz on Dec. 7.

The victim is now in custody of Child Protective Services.

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About the Author

David Ibañez has been managing editor of since the website's launch in October 2000.

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