Military helicopter used to drop hay to livestock stranded by Harvey

National Guard, Humane Society of U.S. team up to help animals

SAN ANTONIO – It is not only people in need of help after Hurricane Harvey ravaged the Lone Star State. Ranchers and farmers, who have been unable to reach their livestock, have received assistance from the National Guard.

The National Guard conducted hay drops using a chinook to feed stranded cattle in southeast Texas so they can survive until the waters recede and their caregivers can reach them by land.

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With the help of the Humane Society of the United States, crews were given geographical coordinates of distressed cattle it observed during an aerial survey. Authorities then provided the National Guard with mission assignments for hay distribution.

The Humane Society’s personnel conducted an aerial survey this past weekend across large portions of southeast Texas affected by the storm. They said the survey revealed thousands of cattle in various states of distress, with hundreds of cattle stranded on high ground and water encircling them.

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