Neighbors concerned about large insect hive at park

Mexican honey wasps build large hive

SAN ANTONIO – A large insect hive at a park near Sun Valley Road and Medina Base Road has neighbors concerned.

Rick Gonzalez said he first noticed the large hive nested in a tree several weeks ago and reported it to the city but said nothing has been done.

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"It's scary," said Gonzalez. "I have grandkids that come here every afternoon and every evening and they play around here. There are a lot of kids playing around here so that's my main concern is the kids."

Gonzalez said he has made phone calls for for three weeks trying to get the city to remove the hive but hasn't had any luck.

"The city has given me the run around," said Gonzalez. "They say, 'We'll be out and take care of it.' I even showed it to the supervisor who came out. He saw it and said he was going to get right on it, but it's still there."

The city doesn't directly deal with hive removal. 

They occasionally contract the work out to a local company called Stinger Pest Control.  

Representatives with Stinger Pest Control said they sent out a work order to the city on Tuesday morning and expect a response within a couple of days. 

They expect to have the hive removed within the week. 

According to Stinger Pest Control experts, the pests are Mexican honey wasps, a type of wasp that generally isn't aggressive.

However, Gonzalez said he'll feel much safer once they're gone, and hopes the problem is resolved before someone gets hurt.

For a list of recent stories Eileen Gonzales has done, click here.

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