San Antonio woman a finalist in Lay's 'Do Us a Flavor' Competition

Ellen Sarem creates Crispy Taco flavor potato chips

SAN ANTONIO – Ellen Sarem's fiance loves crispy tacos, and now she can win a million dollars because of it.

Earlier this year, Sarem entered the Lay's "Do Us a Flavor" competition and submitted crispy tacos as her entry.

A few months later, Sarem found out she was a semi-finalist and a few weeks was flown to New York City to be told she was one of the finalists.

The other flavors Sarem is competing with, are everything bagel with cream cheese and fried green tomato.

All three chips are now on sale, and you can vote your favorite until Oct. 8. 

Click here to vote.


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About the Author

Erica Hernandez is an Emmy award-winning journalist with 15 years of experience in the broadcast news business. Erica has covered a wide array of stories all over Central and South Texas. She's currently the court reporter and cohost of the podcast Texas Crime Stories.

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