Councilman hoping to make Greenways safer

SAN ANTONIO – District 8 Councilman Ron Nirenberg filed a council consideration request to see how the city can improve safety along its growing Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System.

"We've asked staff along with the advisory board of linear creeks to consider all options to bolster security," said Nirenberg Thursday shortly after filing the CCR. "The brand of our linear creekway system has become one of world-reknowned status and we need to make sure that the safety and security in the parks match that."

The greenway system has grown to over 46 miles with eventual plans to connect the entire city with more than 130 miles.

"We're going to make a huge investment as a city in these trails," he said. "We want to make sure that people are comfortable on them, that they're safe and that we can continue to hold them up as a great asset to our community."

Nirenberg wants to meet with several advisory boards to get input into what the trails need including more lights and on-site security.

"Everything from safety infrastructure from cameras and the blue light emergency phone system and other options," he said. "People need to be aware that they're safe and one way to do that is the kiosks but they also need to have the opportunity and access to reach out for help if they need it."

"It's protecting us and making us feel more secure and making us feel more that we're protected by the city and they care about us," said Genesis Garza, who likes to run on the trails but often sticks to a track at a nearby high school. "It's more safe and there's more people out there and it's more open and I just feel safe out here."

Nirenberg hopes to have recommendations for the rest of the council by mid-summer.  

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