Woman bites off part of boyfriend's lower lip during breakup, police say

Lily Dale Cruz, 28, of Laredo taken into custody

LAREDO, Texas – A woman was arrested Sunday after Laredo police said she bit off part of a man's lower lip. 

According to the Laredo Morning Times, Lily Dale Cruz, 28, bit off part of her boyfriend's lower lip during an argument fueled by jealousy. 

The Times reported that police responded to reports of an assault just before midnight Sunday in the 500 block of Guatemozin Street and found the man sitting on the curb in front of 700 Hendricks Ave. 

According to the Times, the man was missing part of his lower lip and could hardly speak because he was in pain and was covered in blood and scratches.

He was taken to Laredo Medical Center. He told police Cruz was upset that he wanted to break up with her, police said.

Cruz was found at her home and was taken into custody, the newspaper reported. 


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