39 child advocate volunteers sworn in at county courthouse

Volunteers help abused, neglected children in court

SAN ANTONIO – Thirty-nine new volunteers are ready to take up their first case for Child Advocates San Antonio.

The volunteers were sworn in Friday afternoon at the Bexar County Courthouse. They will help abused and neglected children by speaking up for them in court.

The advocates will act as the judge’s eyes and ears by communicating their knowledge of situations and helping the judge make the best decision for the child.

The CEO of Child Advocates San Antonio said the volunteers will truly be impacting children’s lives.

“These new advocates will be advocating for (the children’s) best interest in the court. They'll make sure they don't slip through the cracks while they're in the CPS system. They're really going to make sure that they get the services, help and support they desperately need, said Rick Cooke, CEO of Child Advocates San Antonio.

Cooke said the organization serves about 2,500 children in Bexar County, but another 2,000 still need to be advocated for.

Anyone interested in volunteering can visit the organization’s website here



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