Online petition urges Target to do away with plastic bags once and for all

Over 400K supporters are backing the petition, according to

“Target bags are choking the Earth!” reads an online petition that’s circulating across social media in an effort to convince Target stores to get rid of plastic bags for good.

The petition on, started by Customers Who Care, is calling for Target to take a similar approach to plastic bag use as IKEA and Costco – having customers utilize reusable bags rather than using plastic or paper.

“For those of us who also shop at Costco or IKEA, we know we can survive without plastic bags,” reads the online petition. “2 million single-use plastic bags are consumed every minute. These bags often wind up in waterways and our landscape, degrading water and soil as they break down into tiny toxic bits. These bags have a massive carbon footprint... We can bring our own bags."

Even if Target provides reusable bags for purchase, petition supporters are urging the store to make it a ‘meaningful’ amount.

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As of Saturday, Feb. 8, the petition has 492,710 supporters and counting. The petition’s goal is to reach 500,000 supporters.

In San Antonio alone, there are around 12 Target stores around the city, according to Google Maps. All of the stores utilize plastic bags; however, some do have the option to buy reusable Target bags.

Target Stores in San Antonio, TX. (Credit: Google Maps) (KSAT)

If you want to show your support and sign the petition, you can do so by clicking here.

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