San Antonio high school, college students to showcase films at UTSA spring screening event

UTSA hosts second annual student film screening on Tuesday night

SAN ANTONIO – The University of Texas at San Antonio’s second annual student film screening will feature several films by local high school and college students.

“I’m really proud that I made this film,” said Ravindra Maganti, a student at Northwest Vista College.

Maganti is majoring in digital video and cinematography. He is preparing to show his science fiction film, “The Talented Guy.”

“This is about a man tricking the whole world with his superhuman powers and escaping to Mars,” Maganti said.

Maganti produced this film for his directing class, which will be shown at the UTSA event on Tuesday.

Selah Major, a student from UTSA, will also show her work.

“My film is called ‘Nova,’ and it’s about the tension that develops between a promising young couple after discovering they have a positive pregnancy test,” Major said.

The UTSA Film and Media Studies Program, which is now in its second semester, is hosting this student film screening.

About 20 films, from comedies to documentaries, will be shown. The films were produced at UTSA and other institutions.

“Alamo Colleges, Salado High School, Say Si and NESA,” said Ernest Hernandez, director of video technology at UTSA.

The community is invited to the Santikos Palladium at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

“It’s a great opportunity for the students to expand what they do across the city,” Hernandez said.

Maganti is excited about this opportunity and ready to work on his next film.

“I have eight more scripts ready,” Maganti said.

About the Authors

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

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