Man accused of sexually assaulting woman near bike trails

DNA led investigators to Terrell Jenkins

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio Police say a man sexually assaulted a 53-year-old woman last July in the woods by some bike trails in a park.

Terrell Jenkins has been charged with sexual assault after DNA matches led investigators to him. Jenkins is in the Bexar County Jail awaiting indictment, and he is also booked on an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Police said Jenkins attacked the woman on July 7 last year as she walked along bike trails near Austin Highway.

The woman told investigators the attacker grabbed her from behind and dragged her into the woods, according to an arrest affidavit. She said he sexually assaulted her and then shoved leaves down her mouth.

The woman also sustained minor injuries.

In May, investigators received word from an FBI database that the "partial human DNA profile" that was developed for the case appeared to match an aggravated sexual assault case out of Killeen as well. In that instance, a man had broken into an apartment and sexually assaulted an elderly woman.

Through the same database, Killeen Police had gotten a match to Jenkins, according to the affidavit.

San Antonio Police found Jenkins was already in the Bexar County Jail on the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge and his DNA was taken from a cheek swab.

Investigators compared the cheek swab to DNA obtained from fingernail scrapings.

While they don't call it an outright match, investigators say forensic analysis did not rule Jenkins out as the source of the DNA from the fingernail scrapings.


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About the Author

Garrett Brnger is a reporter with KSAT 12.

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