Senior prank causes thousands in damages

Live chickens, pornographic photos, baby crib recovered from the scene

Most senior pranks don't involve graffiti, chickens, expandable insulating foam, depictions of male genitalia and vandalism.

But more than 60 students at Riverside-Brookfield High School have been identified as participating in a homecoming week senior prank that involved just that. What started as an innocent prank got out of hand and ended up causing thousands of dollars in damage to the school, the Riverside, Brookfield Landmark newspaper reported.

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Each year, as part of a homecoming tradition, a large group of students descends on the campus at night to cover the trees, bushes and sidewalks with toilet paper and shaving cream. However, this year, another group of students took the prank to the next level.

The area around the school was littered with old furniture, spray-painted with messages such as "Senior Nation" and "Class of 2014." A baby crib left on the entrance landing contained four live chickens. Depictions of male genitalia were spray-painted on windows and doors at the Ridgewood entrance. Among the items recovered from the scene was a pornographic photo with the names of staff members scrawled on the subjects in the picture.

Other damages include damage to several locks, due to someone spraying expandable insulating foam into them.

The 70 or so students involved were identified through examination of surveillance video, information from students and from online posts about the incident.

Superintendent Kevin Skinkis estimated the cost of damage to the school to be between $2,500 and $3,500.

Students will also face disciplinary action from the school, including paying restitution for damaged property, and may even face criminal charges.

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