Bat-signal to be lit in Los Angeles in honor of Adam West

Actor played television's Batman during 1960s

LOS ANGELES – Actor Adam West, who played television's Batman during the 1960s, will be honored on Thursday when the bat-signal is lit in downtown Los Angeles.

West died Friday following a battle with leukemia at the age of 88.

The signal will be projected via spotlight onto the tower of Los Angeles City Hall.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the L.A. Police Department Chief Charlie Beck will be on hand to do the honors.

RELATED: 'Batman' Co-Star Burt Ward Remembers Adam West: 'All We Did Was Laugh'

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In his signature role, West played Bruce Wayne and his alter ego, the crime-fighting, costumed Batman, a popular comics character who came to life on the ABC series.

In the show Cesar Romero played the villan Joker with Burgess Meredith as the Penguin and Frank Gorshin and John Astin playing the Riddler.

The television series only lasted three seasons, but earned fans through syndication.

West went on to provide the voice of Quahog mayor Adam West in the television series "Family Guy". That show has announced they will be honoring the actor with a tribute on Sunday.


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About the Author

Ben Spicer is a digital journalist who works the early morning shift for KSAT.

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