Local artists create murals for Google Fiber scavenger hunt

Residents urged to participate in #TheHuntForFiber

SAN ANTONIO – Google Fiber wants San Antonio residents to have some fun while celebrating the city's culture and history through public art.

The internet provider on Wednesday unveiled three murals that were created by local artists.

To celebrate the murals, Google Fiber launched #TheHuntForFiber, a mural scavenger hunt that will give residents a chance to appreciate art by visiting the murals and possibly win a gift.

Google Fiber officials said they believe that public art plays a role in creating better cities.

Here are the rules for the scavenger hunt:

1. Visit each mural. 
2. Post photos of yourself at all of the murals with the hashtag, #TheHuntForFiber 
3. After posting the pictures, fill out an online form.

The murals can be viewed at the following locations:

2715 N. St. Mary's St.
Artist: Los Otros Murals (Nik Soupe)

Galvan's Barbershop
2313 N. St. Mary's St.
Artist: Taylor Rigg

The Korova
107 E. Martin St.
Artist: Jenkinds2D (Johnny Duncan)

About the Author

David Ibañez has been managing editor of KSAT.com since the website's launch in October 2000.

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