SAISD Foundation surprises educators with grants to fund innovative projects

SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Independent School District Foundation handed out more than $150,000 to a record number of grant winners and schools.

The winning educators were surprised in the classroom.

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The grants fund innovative projects that teachers want to use in the classroom to get students interested, keep them engaged and improve their academic performance.

Teachers applied for the grants earlier in the spring to gain funding for their projects.

"Our plans is to build an outdoor classroom. We notice we were watching the kids go outside. And they wanted to sit outside on a nice day and do some work, but there was no place to sit. One of the ideas (was) why don't we get the kids to make it and what would that look like,” said Annette Cortez, a grant winner.

Grant winners come from all grade levels and their projects will benefit thousands of students. Grants will continue to be given throughout the month. 


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