Texas cop dressed as Batman thwarts alleged thief; suspect asks for selfie with cop

Cop tells radio station suspect attempted to steal Lego Batman Movie

FORT WORTH, Texas – Not all heroes wear capes, but one Fort Worth cop does.

Officer Damon Cole, an 18-year veteran of the Fort Worth police force, often dresses in super hero costumes to gain the trust of kids in his community.

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On Saturday, the off-duty cop was at a Walmart in the 7400 block of McCart Avenue, promoting Kids Safety Day by taking photos with kids and answering parents' police related questions.

While at Walmart, Cole said a man attempted to steal four DVDs - including the "Lego Batman Movie." Cole told a radio station he walked up to the suspect and said "You can’t steal my movie…come on now."

The alleged DVD bandit was issued a citation, but before he went on his way, he asked the cop for a selfie.

Cole tweeted about the exchange and said it was a first for him.

According to the Heroes and Cops Against Childhood Cancer website, Cole has been sporting the superhero get up for approximately 13 years.

"I had the Superman logo sewed on my bulletproof vest that way whenever I would deal with a child on a call for service, I would tell them a secret but they would have to promise me that you will not tell anybody," Cole's biography on the Heroes and Cops Against Childhood Cancer website said. "I then make them pinky promise me to keep the secret. I would then undo my shirt so it exposes my Superman logo on my bulletproof vest. At this point, the children go crazy, and they usually ask me where my cape is. I tell them that I cannot wear it with my uniform because it will get wrinkled."

Cole said he puts on the act so children will remember him in the long run and trust law enforcement.




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