Safety first: Check to see if your face mask is effective

Face covers are part of new normal for your own protection, safety of those you love

SAN ANTONIO – As face coverings have become an essential part of our everyday lives, do you know if the masks you are buying or making at home are effective?

Dr. Mary Clifton, an internal medicine doctor and member of the Boomer Naturals advisory board, discussed what makes face coverings effective.

The doctor said an effective mask should provide an adequate amount of filtration, fit securely and have more than one layer. The mask has to be breathable and comfortable to talk through.

When wearing a mask, it’s important to make sure it covers your nose and mouth, without any gaps. If the mask has gaps, it makes it harder to filter the air.

Clifton answered some important questions regarding face masks.

Question No. 1: Why is it important for people to follow the CDC’s guidelines to wear masks in public?

“Many states/municipalities require face covers if you are in public, and some stores are requiring it to shop at the business,” Clifton said. “The purpose of a face cover is to protect you from droplets that could be spread by someone near you, or to protect others when you are in close proximity.”

Question No. 2: Since the majority of the public is having to either purchase non-N95 masks or make their own at home, can you help explain what a good and effective mask includes?

“There are a lot of different types of face covers, each have different levels of effectiveness,” Clifton said.

Four types of face masks to consider:

  • Home-made and bandana/scarves: Masks made at home and masks from bandanas are not as effective from protecting you from infection.
  • Medical /1-time use/paper: Many masks like these are only good for one day use. They shouldn’t be reused and it can be costly to make over time.
  • N95: Dust-proof mask and is usually saved for medical purposes.
  • Boomer Naturals 30-day face covering: Offers three layers of protection with nanosilver technology.

Question No. 3: What should the general public be careful about when thinking about purchasing or making their own face mask?

“The biggest issue is protection,” Clifton said. “Masks you may make or buy online might have the protection of 2% to 60%. Fit/coverage is an important factor. You have to make sure the face cover fits and is the right size, especially for children, (who) can’t just wear an adult size. You should be able to wash and reuse your face cover/mask without sacrificing protection.”

According to Boomer Naturals, many studies show how effective nanosilver technology is, when used in a face covering, to block particles and droplets.

“The one that I have found to be very effective is the Boomer Naturals face cover that uses special nanosilver technology to stop particles from getting through to the nose and mouth,” the doctor said. “What is also exciting is the way they are treated: The anti-bacterial protection lasts on the cloth for 30 days. It’s washable, comfortable and comes in adult and kid’s sizes.”

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