Food Bank, USPS team up to ‘stamp out hunger'

Summer is slowest time of the year for food donations

SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Food Bank and the United State Postal Service are gearing up for this weekend's "stamp out hunger" food drive.

The event kicked off Tuesday with a big donation.

The Davis Law Firm presented the Food Bank with check for $10,000.

Those interested in participating have from now through Saturday to get their food items ready.

RELATED: Food Bank, BJ's Restaurant team up with school to feed hungry kids

"It is very easy. All folks have to do is take the bag that we are delivering this week to their mailbox." Marcel Polanco, postmaster with USPS said. “Go into your pantry, take out all of those veggies that maybe your kids don't want to eat, fill that up and put it by your mailbox."

Donated items will help the Food Bank during its biggest time of need -- the summer.

With kids home for summer break more than 200,000 of them will not have access to school meals.

Summer is also the slowest time of year for donations, so anything people can do to help beef up the Food Bank’s stockpile is appreciated.


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