2 homes destroyed in North Side fire; SAFD crews save 2 others

Homes located in 16700 block of Crystal Glade

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio firefighters battled a fire Thursday afternoon that consumed multiple homes.

The San Antonio Fire Department said one home caught fire and high winds carried the flames to a neighboring home.

Both homes were declared total losses.

A third home did sustain some damage, but crew were able to save it and a fourth home from catching fire.

The homes are located in the 16700 block of Crystal Glade, in the Eden Roc neighborhood.

SAFD had up to 30 units at the scene battling the flames.

Video from the scene shows that the roof on one home has collapsed. While the second home also sustained major damge.

Chief Hood said the cause of the fire was unknown, but that arson investigators were en route.

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