Robber steals woman's purse, hits her with SUV during escape

Thomas Barrera, 26, has been taken into custody

SAN ANTONIO – A man is facing charges after police say he stole a woman's purse at a Northeast Side H-E-B and then hit her with his sport utility vehicle during his escape.

26-year-old Thomas Barrera is charged with robbery.

According to an arrest warrant affidavit, the victim told police she had put her purse and groceries in her car and then went to put away her shopping cart. That's when, police say, she saw Barrera take her purse from her car.

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When the woman ran back to her car, Barrera allegedly got into his SUV and then hit her with it, the affidavit said.

The victim tried to cancel her stolen credit cards but they had already been used by a nearby business.

Detectives were able to identify Barrera as the suspect through surveillance video, police said.


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About the Author

Ben Spicer is a digital journalist who works the early morning shift for KSAT.

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