Volunteers spend time sharing passions at Texas Lions Camp

Special needs children attend at no charge

SAN ANTONIO – The Texas Lions Camp in the Hill Country focuses on children with physical disabilities, including Type 1 diabetes and cancer.

Children with special needs from all over Texas attend the camp and have been attending at no charge since 1949.

Keith Wills with the Rusk County Treasure Hunters Club is one of many volunteers who take time in the summer to show off their hobbies.

“We teach them how to operate a metal detector, how to find treasure with it and how to retrieve it,” Wills said.

Children ages 7-16 spend time with the expert hunters and gain memories along the way.

“You love them. You love every one of them. They have such an up attitude when they are out here and it’s wonderful,” Wills said.

The camp offers several activities including wall climbing and arts and crafts. 


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About the Author

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

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