How would Red Cross help in a disaster? Workers attend simulation

Exercise meant to educate people on how to respond to catastrophic situation

SAN ANTONIO – The American Red Cross and its partners conducted an exercise to educate workers on how to respond to a catastrophic situation.

On Friday, the Red Cross hosted a shelter operations simulation to better prepare its disaster workforce to serve the community in the aftermath of the unthinkable.

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Red Cross volunteers and workers from other disaster relief agencies set up a shelter and put their training to the test in a real-life disaster scenario. More than 70 volunteers were trained on how to operate a shelter.

"These 70 folks will actually be in charge of running our shelters throughout the region,” said Henry Van De Putte, of the American Red Cross. “So today is really about them learning about every scenario -- every job that it takes to run a shelter, so that when they get maybe a new batch of volunteers in another city or a different scenario, they’re prepared for that.”

Red Cross volunteers were also trained to deal with an infectious disease outbreak and how to respond to a gunman at a shelter.


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