How 'bout them apples? H-E-B donates 1.5 million apples to Texas food banks

Grocery store giant to donate apples to 16 food banks across state

SAN ANTONIO – The cliche goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but what about 1.5 million apples?

H-E-B is donating more than 620,000 pounds of apples to food banks across the state and stopped at the San Antonio Food Bank on Friday morning to drop off one truckload.

The grocery store chain's Food Bank Assistance Program will donate apples to 16 Texas food banks.

"It's healthy, it's fresh -- you know, summertime," Eric Cooper, CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank, said. "We give a lot of meals to kids. To be able to add an apple with that meal makes it healthy, makes it nourishing. I tell you, these kids are going to be so excited."

Last year, H-E-B donated 31.1 million pounds of food and non-perishable items to families in need, equating to more than 24 million meals.


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