SA ranks 5th with most adults still living at home with their parents says 23% of adults aged 25-40 still live at home

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio has been ranked as one of the top cities with the most adults still living at home with their parents, a recent study found.

The website analyzed the 50 largest metros in America and determined which cities had the largest portion of adults ages 25 to 40 still living at home. The study said that the Alamo City came in fifth out of all the major metro cities.

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According to the website, San Antonio has more than 23 percent of people aged 25-40 still living at home with their parents. The website said men make up the bigger share of adults who live at home, and that San Antonio has the highest rates of nonparticipation in the labor force among adults, at 25.3 percent.

Cities ranking higher than San Antonio overall on the list include Riverside, California at number one, Miami, Florida at number two, Los Angeles at number three and New York at number four.

As far as other Texas cities on the list, Houston is ranked number 23, Dallas is ranked number 33, and Austin came in at number 43, with only 12.8 percent of adults still living at home. The study said Austin has one of the lowest rates of unemployment among adults living with their parents at 5.4 percent and one of the highest percentages of adults living with the parents while having at least one child of their own (30%).

To read the full article, you can go to their website by clicking here


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About the Author

Ben Spicer is a digital journalist who works the early morning shift for KSAT.

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