Cases of 'highly contagious' dog flu more than triple in Texas

Seven cases of dog flu reported

COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The number of dog flu cases in Texas has more than tripled in two weeks, new data from the Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory shows.

On Thursday, TVMDL said Texas is up to seven cases of dog flu - four in Harris County, two in Hood County and one in Travis County.

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The numbers come after the laboratory reported two cases of dog flu in early June.

Florida and Georgia experienced an outbreak of the virus earlier this year. In all seven Texas cases, the dogs tested positive for H3N2, the same strain of the virus found in Florida and Georgia.

"Virtually all dogs exposed become infected with the virus," experts at the Texas A&M laboratory said, but not all dogs show symptoms. The report said approximately 80 percent of dogs infected with the virus show symptoms such as high fever, loss of appetite, coughing, nasal discharge and lethargy.

Dog owners can vaccinate their furry friends to protect against both strains of dog flu: H3N8 and H3N2.

The virus can be spread from dog to dog, contaminated food bowls and contaminated surfaces.

While the Texas A&M lab does not offer a test for the virus, pet owners can contact their pet's veterinarian and request a sample be taken and sent to TVMDL.

More information on dog flu can be found HERE.


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