San Antonio Zoo offers free admission for first responders

Police, fire and EMT personnel get in free through September 30

SAN ANTONIO – From now through September 30, the San Antonio Zoo is offering free admission to police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. They can bring up to four guests with them at 50 percent off standard admission price.

In order to take advantage of the offer, police fire and EMTs will need to show valid credentials. Tickets must be purchased at the gate and are only valid on the same day of purchase.

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“Our police, fire, and EMT first responders work tirelessly to ensure that our community is safe,” said Tim Morrow, CEO and executive director. “Offering them and their families the opportunity to relax and enjoy the zoo is our way of saying thank you for serving our city and county.”

RELATED: San Antonio Zoo offering "Beastly Breakfast"

In the last several months, the San Antonio Zoo has made similar offers for teachers and members of the military.


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About the Author

Julie Moreno has worked in local television news for more than 25 years. She came to KSAT as a news producer in 2000. After producing thousands of newscasts, she transitioned to the digital team in 2015. She writes on a wide variety of topics from breaking news to trending stories and manages KSAT’s daily digital content strategy.

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